All-Day Transmitter Hunt
February 26, 2005
K6SNE & N6IDF Hiding


The Hiders Story


Several storms over the three weeks prior to this hunt left our primary hide locations under 12 feet of snow, 10 feet of water, and several feet of gumbo mud.  That, and the fact that Melanie is about to bring another T-Hunter named Ronan into this world, left us with the necessity of finding a good challenging location within a reasonable travel time of David's home in Yucaipa.


After a quick foray into the San Bernardino Mountains we decided on several locations around Seven Oaks/Converse Station to hide the main transmitters, 4 transmitters in the mountains and 3 more at and around David's home to bring all hungry hunters to our HQ for some great bar-b-cue.  One of our main considerations was that all transmitters could be reached with a 2-wheel drive vehicle with reasonable ground clearance.  There were snowy roads, muddy roads, bumpy roads, and lots of water puddles with firm bottoms, including one about 100 yards long that at first scared the @%#* out of Dave and I as we crested a blind rise and sank the front end of the Jeep into it in the pitch black night.  It looked like it could swallow a bus.  It turned out to be only about 3 inches deep with a rock hard road underneath.  All of the mountain transmitters were hidden on Friday night.  All the timers worked and all of the Ts that should be heard in Palos Verdes could be heard.


T-1, the big T, was placed just to the side and above Forest Road 2N06, otherwise known as the Radford Truck trail.  This is the road that leads from Converse Station to Snow Summit at Moon Ridge.  We were trying to place the T as far above the snowline as we could safely drive…..but a HUGE washout obliterated the road and any chance of getting any further up the mountain.  We planted the T in an oak tree near the washout.  This T was the 25-watt TM271 in the 20mm ammo can.  The antenna was the infamous Ringo Ranger from the Santa Ynez hide.  The antenna was stuck up into the oak's canopy.  This T was at aprox 6,500ft Alt and could be heard quite well at PV.  At Green River exit it was s-10 w/o attenuation.  Everyone heard it but no one found it.


T-2 was about 3 miles away on 1N04 just above Converse Ranger Station.  It was placed in a meadow just off the trail.  It was a 300mw PicCon box on a tall rubber duck antenna.  It could be heard at PV also.  No one found this one either. Elev was 6,000 ft.


T-3 was about 3 miles away in the other direction on 1N04.  It was also hidden in a secluded meadow that you could only walk to from a creek crossing at a hairpin turn in 1N04.  It was a Squawk Box attached to a 3 element horizontal Yagi.  It was pointed directly at T-4 above Barton Flats on the other side of HWY 38.  It was also reported as being heard at PV. Elev 6,500 ft.  Only Deryl found this Transmitter.

T-4 was near the intersection of Jenks Lake Road and Poopout Hill Road above Barton Flats.  It was Squawk Box buried in the snow with just a rubber duck antenna showing.  This T could be heard from T-3's location and various other places along the trail.  Although most hunters heard it, no one found this T either.


T-5 was placed in a bush just off Oak Glen Rd. in Yucaipa.  It was a Squawk Box. Deryl and Bob found this one.


T-6 (Id'ing as T-10) was a Squawk Box hidden under a fake bolder in David's front Yard.  Deryl and Bob found this T also, despite being terribly harassed and mauled by the Dogs of the House.


T-7 (id'ing as T-20) was also in Dave's yard….but really noticeable….it was a 13B2 beam pointed at San Gorgonio.  This T could also be heard really well at PV, but proved to be a really challenging Gorgonio Bounce.  Deryl and Bob found this T also.


Ts 1 thru 5 are shown on the map.

Some Hunters Storys

Jippy's Story
Deryl's Story

The Results


And The Trophy Goes To:

 Deryl N6AIN              4 of 7 transmitters with 146.35 miles and a sore back

 The Other Nominees:
Bob WB6JPI               3 of 7 transmitters with 150 miles and a sore back
Doug WA6RJN           0 of 7 transmitters and a case of frostbite

 73! de K6SNE