Deryl's Story
of the June 26th 2004
Free For All

I didn’t leave home till 8:00 am. Had no idea where I was going to hid my 2 Ts. On the way I had a thought, maybe I will hid one at the MarVac in Montclair where Steve, WA6PYE and Leonard, KG6RQQ both work. I gave Steve a call to see if it was ok, which it is of course.


Got to MarVac  about 8:50 am and could already hear Jippy’s Ts running.  Steve opened the door, they don’t open for business till 9:00 am, and we proceeded to set it up in front of the store in a bush. I then left to go hide the second T. got about a mile away and couldn’t hear my T. I then realize that I had it on low power so turned around and went back to change it. When I got there we decided to move it to the back of the sore so it had a better shot at Pathfinder.


On to planting the other T, I thought I might place it on Chino Hills Pky so it would have a chance of getting to Pathfinder. Found a turnout to a locked gate and stuck the Squak-Box in a bush there with a ¼ wave mag mount stuck on the fence horizontal.


Jippy’s T at Diamond Ranch High School, was not far away but couldn’t hear it much there. I thought was probably up in the High School Parking lot so went back there. Was strong but I couldn’t convenes my self that it was there. It looked to me like it was probably up on the hill in a housing track, so I left to find a way there. About an hour later I was back in the parking lot again. Saw the dirt road this time and up to the top through the high grass. I was sure I would look in the rear view mirror and see flames in the brush and I would be trapped and burn to death. But made it to the top and this time it was strong enough.  A short sniff and signed in.



Now that I was in a high spot I can get bearings on the other Ts. Jippy’s other T was coming from the north and I could hear my T in Montclair, and 2 of David and Melanie’s coming from the south. I will go for Jippy’s.


Going out the 60 the signal kept turning more and more north so I got off at Euclid and started up. By the time I got to the 210 it was more to the east so I turned on it. At  Day Canyon road it was hard left but to late to get off. I went on to the 15 and north to the next off ramp (don’t remember what it was) and back west on some road till it ended and went north on another till the signal was hard left. The only thing there was a Power line road. I went west on it for what seamed like an hour, probably only 15 minutes, but finally I was at a paved path that went north along a concrete drainage  ditch. Not long and the signal was to the east and very strong. Another power line road went that way so, so did I. Less than a ¼ mile and there it was in a burnt out bush.


Now the only thing left was Melanie KF6GWV and David N6IDF’s Ts. Looks like they are probably high and or lots of power. You can hear them everywhere. I get into Corona and they seam to be coming from high above the city. After trying all the “KNOWN” roads to the mountains and all are blocked with construction equipment or a gate. I am about to give up when David calls and suggests I try Chase and Skyline. But where the hell is that. I try where my GPS map says but Chase is now blocked by a new housing tracked. I call David and Melanie says the way in is by Oak Ave. I finally find the way to Skyline and come to a Gate that’s open with a sign saying the road is closed. It’s not and up I go.


An hour later I am almost to the KF6GWV T and I look at my gas gage. It’s not just on empty but beyond it.YIEKS!!! I must turn around and coast down or I will be sucking air out of the tank. I make it to a station in Corona but by now it’s time to go pick up my Ts and go home.

No one found my T at MarVac and only David and Melanie found my T2 on
Chino Hills Pky.

Deryl N6AIN