December 12th 2009
Pathfinder Hunt

Hider: Bob N6ZHZ
Where: South Riverside, just south of Fox Glen Rd and the west end of Scottsdale Rd.

Bob was parked on an open area near a friends home.


Calls           Miles  Time
N6AIN/WA6PYE    55.4   9:00 PM
N6MJN           DNF

Dave said:
I walked up the trail and saw Bob's truck but it was early and I decided to drive around for a while.
Went out to Mockingbird Canyon and ended up getting stuck in the mud trying to turn around.
Then blow the fuse on my talk radio too. One of the locals helped me pull my truck out of the mud.
By the time I got out of the mud there was no signal on 145.565
I don't have a microphone for the t-hunt radio so couldn't talk to the hider.