August 9th 2008
Pathfinder Hunt

Hider: Don KF6GQ

Three T's where hidden in the northern end of Altadena on the edge of Angeles National Forest. The Main T (T7) running about 1/2 watt to a J-Pole, was hidden on Chaney Rd. just at the forest gate. A T was hidden here in the past.. This location has good coverage to the east and south. N6MJN heard it at his home in Costa Mesa. He left from there and made it into all T's as the first to find them. T 8 a mini T was at the most north end of Fair Oaks ave.. at the entrance of a kids summer camp. It was hidden in back of a log fence. Another mini-T, T Snake was hidden in the park at the end of Lake Av. This tee was hidden in a small tree about 100 yards into the park. All three T's where found by two teams, and the only offical team to find all T's was the team of KG6LSE and his Mom KI6DGD. So they are the winners of the Pathfinder Hunt for August 2008. Congratulations!  

T7 main T
CALL                       TIME   MILES
 N6MJN                     9:25    UNOF
 N6ZHZ                     9:25     45.0
 KG6LSE/KI6DGD   10:11     35.7

T Fair Oaks T8
 N6MJN                    10:08      UNOF
 N6ZHZ                    10:49       ?
 KG6LSE/KI6DGD    10:44      37.3. 

T Snake
 N6MJN                    10:10      UNOF
 N6LSE/KI6DGD      10:10      34.3

Thanks for the teams that came out, and hope Deryl N6AIN is feeling better today.. Go to the beach, and get some SUN so you will feel better.
    Don KF6GQ