June 11th 2005
Pathfinder Hunt

Hiders: Transmitters were hidden by KG6PLC and KG6TKO, who kindly volunteered since KF6GQ was out of town, and KD6LAJ was recuperating from hiking 4 days in the High Sierras.

Hiding place: T's were hidden off of Euclid Crescent above Euclid and Mountain in Upland.
Steve KD6LAJ


               Elapsed   Crenshaw   Time Found
Team            Miles     Units      (MainT)
WA6PYE N6MJN    20.7      2.33         2020  Winners
WA6DWL K6MJU    22.2      2.49         2022
K6SNE           22.2      2.61         2025
N6AIN           26.4      2.93         2032
N6ZHZ KC6CYG    27.7      3.08         2040