May 10th 2008
Pathfinder Hunt

Hider: Don KF6GQ

The 2nd Sat Knight hunt, was suppose to save fuel for the hunters, by being close in and also being challenging. I centered my hunt in the Glendora and San Dimas area. If one was to do it in the shortest miles, this would be the way to go.


The first T would be the Snake T, that was placed on the north side of of South Park, (No sign of Stan, Kyle, Eric, or Kenny)  but couldn't be heard until on the way to the Colby Trail T which was on Glendora Mt. Road. No one found the snake T, I heard that coyotes where up near the T in packs of hundreds! (Maybe they Killed Kenny) My suggestion would be, let PYE be a tasty diversion while the hunters got to the T!

Colby Trail T

Everybody went to the base of Colby Trail near the fire station. One team ZHZ & CYG actually walked up the 1.5 miles with an elevation gain of 600'! The T was easily gotten to from Glendora Mt. Rd; it was within 25' of the road at the top of the trail.

Marshall Trail T

The next on the list would be the T on Marshall Trail, not Marshall Canyon. This one was just off of Morgan Ranch Road, at an elevation of about 1600’. No one found this one!

By the way 4 of the T’s could be heard on foothill blvd in Glendora.

AF6O Box T7

Then a trip to the east to get the rest of the T’s. One which was the main T heard at the start. An AF6O box T7. This was about 100' down the equestrian trail from the end of Stephens Ranch Rd. There is a large parking lot for horse people to park their trailers.


Then the last T, T3 was a straight shot from T7 almost directly south. This T was placed so that one would be confused as to it’s location. I know that those that went for this one first, spent a lot of time trying to find the road to T7. T3 was located at the northern end of Web Canyon Rd. Up on top of a ridge which was crossed by power lines.

5 transmitters in all, only 3 where found. The Snake T wasn’t checked into, and T8 at the upper end of
Marshall  Trail.

We had only 3 teams ;




N6ZHZ found two T’s with a total mileage of 38.1

N6AIN  found two T’s with a total mileage of 44.1

N6MJN found one T with 35.0 miles

ZHZ found T6 Colby Trail after a long climb.

ZHZ found T7 at Marshall Canyon.

N6AIN found T6 at
Colby Canyon.

N6AIN found T3 at Web cyn.

N6MJN found T3 at Web Cyn. 

N6MJN didn’t go after the Snake T because of the pack of Coyotes near the park.

Thanks for those that came out on the hunt.

The Winners: Bob N6ZHZ and Cathy KD6CYG