April 12th 2003
Pathfinder Hunt

Hiders: KF6GQ and KD6LAJ

There were 5 Transmitters
1 Watt LAJ T2
3 watt KF6GQ T3

three mini T's

No one found any of the Ts.
Where were they you ask?
They won't say since no one found them.
To protect the reputations of the Hunters we will not list them
but there were 4 inept teams out hunting.

Mike K6SNE
Deryl N6AIN, Steve WA6PYE, Leonard, Scott
KK6ME Jim, KD6LOR Paul
N6IDF David, KF6GWV Melanie


Since Deryl made LOR mad at me, he hasn't gotten back to me with his guesstament on the Pathfinder T location. So I will have to give the win to the team of AIN, PYE, Leonardo and his friend Scott. The position that AIN & team gave had an error of 880.56 ft. The best guess that IDF gave had a error of 2,918.68 ft. So I declare that the winner of this hunt is the Team of AIN.

view looking 335 degrees from T2 (main T)

Where Snake and Pathfinder T were

Same as second picture