April 10th 2010
Pathfinder Hunt
Hiders: Steve WA6PYE and Deryl N6AIN
Where: The main Transmitter was in N6AIN's vehicle, parked in front of
Steves Home in Carona at 10326 Wagonroad W
just off Temescal Canyon Rd. A second T was at the gate to his front
door, with a note inviting hunters in.
N6MJN at 8:44 PM with 38.1 miles
N6ZHZ at 9:15 PM didn't make it to the start
N6ZHZ The only one to find The second T
Don KF6GQ call in to say he was droping out. He was on the wrong side
of the hill and had driven up Medjeska Canyon rd where the signal
Dave had found the main T and sniffed around a little but had to leave
to meet his nephew for dinner.
Because Bob N6ZHZ was the only one to find both Ts, He was declared the
Deryl N6AIN