March 12th 2005
Pathfinder Hunt

Hider: N6IDF David
Hiding place: A larg dirt field across from Denny's at Kendall Dr and Palm Ave, south west of the 215 in Verdemont, near San Bernardino.
There were 2 Ts. One was in David's Durango. the other was in a bush across a grassy field.

                Ts                       Crenshaw
Call/s         Found      Time    Miles   Units
KF6GQ            2       8:24 PM  38.7   4.18831  Winner
N6AIN/KG6RQQ     2       8:35 PM  40.1   4.45556
N6MJN/WA6PYE     2       8:50 PM  38.6   4.48837
WA6DWL/K6MJU     2       8:50 PM  39.5   ?.?????
N6JF/KG6TES      2      10:00 PM  47.2   5.24444
K6SNE            1       9:40 PM  45.1   5.30588