Results of the
July 31st 1999
Hiders: Ray (N6EKS) and Deryl (N6AIN)
The hiding place: Mulholland Hwy. Thomas Guide Los Angeles County, Page 587, The exact spot was at a paved turn out on the East side of the road, with a great view of Seminol Hot Springs and the winding road to it.
The first team to show up was Steve (N6XFC) and Dave (N6MJN) at around 10:40 AM. No one else showed up till after 3:00 PM.
The Results.
N6XFC / N6MJN ........................73.7 MILES WINNER
KE6VCR / KE6PHB / N6SZO....137.5 MILES
WB6JPI.....................................197.8 MILES
KF6GQ / KD6LAJ.....................203.1 MILES
N6JOJ / K6LKK.........................DID NOT FINISH
Ray and I would like to thank all those that came out, especially the 2 teams that came all the way from San Diego.
Deryl (N6AIN)