Our original bearing was very close to Cuyama peak where T1 was. We went to the 405 then up to the 101 and west all the way to the 33.
We stopped for gas and food in Oak View. After eating we notice we could hear T2 so continued up 33.
Scott was sure one of the Ts was on Reyes Peak so when we got to the dirt road we went east till there was a nice gap where we could see to the north. It was obvious T1 and T2 were not on Reyes but farther north.
The bearings we took at the gap indicated T1 was probably on or near Cuyama peak and T2 was some where around Mt. Pinos. Back to 33 and north.
Looking at the map we had decided to try Brubaker Canyon Rd to Cuyama peak but when we got there, there was a gate across the road. So on up to past Quatal Canyon Rd to FR-9N11 and in to T1.
By the way that’s a great view from there. Scott took lots of Video but I forgot my still camera. DAMN!!
From the base of the tower we were able to hear T2 and a very weak T3. T3 was north and west a little. Looked like maybe the town of Cuyama or New Cuyama.
Back out on 33 we couldn’t hear T3 anymore. We turned west on 166 and headed for Cuyama. May have heard T3 but signals were overlapping so on to Cuyama.
Nothing there so we turn around and head back east. Just before we got to the 33 we hear something on sideband. Oh no, it’s pointing back to Cuyama Peak. That can’t be. Looking at the map, we decide to go back to Kirschenmann Rd and south to Foothill and then east. As we go east the signal starts coming up. Now we can hear it on FM. Just before crossing the dry riverbed we decide it must be in the pile of pipes or old cars abandon in the desert, but a pickup is approaching from behind. We decide to wait till the pass. My God… they are going 2 miles an hour. Guess they don’t want to damage their new truck.
After waiting 10 minutes for them to go out of sight we go to the other side of the riverbed. Now the T seams to be north and we are starting to need attenuation. So we go north on a dirt road. About a ¼ mile north we find it in a bush.
Now it’s time to get over to Pinos area to see what we can find there. Up 33 to FR-95 and south east to Pinos.
As we approach Mt. Pinos, 2 more Ts are heard, T6 and uh mm… another T6. As we get close the first T6 seems to be to our left, so we go up FR9N19 and found it in the bushes on the south side of the road.
Now to find T2. We go over to the road to Pinos and up. The farther we go the weaker the signal gets, until it’s gone all together. We decide it’s not up there and turn around and go out to Lockwood Valley Rd. When we get around to the Boy Scout Camp Rd it’s to our right so in we go. It’s not long before we come to the end of the road and no T. After looking at the map and discussing it for a while we decide we have made a serious error and T2 appears to indeed be on Pinos. It’s getting late and we are tired so we decide to give up on T2 and go after the second T6, which we are sure, is somewhere near Frazier Park.
In Frazier Park T6 is weak and no good direction. That’s
it. The time is about 10:00 PM and we are both exhausted and hungry. We
turn the radio off and go eat at Js, then home.