N6AIN Deryl and N6EKS Ray’s 5-25-13 Meathead
Hunt Story
Deryl heard a transmitter from his home area
IDing as T2 from a northerly direction. I heard
nothing on the base station vertical antenna on FM
(didn’t think to check on side band, duh). We started
from my house. Deryl got a very weak signal on
sideband sitting in my driveway that looked to be coming
from Mt. Baldy. We dismissed that. We decided to
go surface street up to the 210 freeway and head over on
the 2. We cutover to the 14. Having gone way
in the wrong direction, we took the 14 south to the 5
north, exited the 5 at Lake Hughes Road.
The hunt actually began for us at this
point. We could hear t’s IDing as T2 and T1 and
soon a voice t. As we drove and heard the various
transmitters, we only saw Jippy had signed in. We spoke
to him in the early afternoon, he had found all but the
transmitter IDing as T10. He told us he was
heading out to find it. A couple hours later we
had found all the transmitters except for T10. We
determined it was on the range of hills/mountain on the
other side of Elizabeth Lake Road overlooking Elizabeth
Lake and a smaller lake, apparently near a hilltop
transmitter site. Meanwhile Deryl received a call from
ZHZ who was leaving a meeting in Orange County and Deryl
told him the general area we were in and we were under
the impression he was headed out to hunt.
We briefly spoke to Jippy again, he said he had
found T10 and it would be a bit of a challenge for us to
find the route over to it and that he was headed
home. We looked at our GPS maps and found the
route over to the site/T10 location. It looked to
be fairly straightforward, just a bit of a drive on dirt
roads, which were quite good especially the one headed
to the commercial transmitters near T10. We found T10
without too much trouble.
We enjoyed this hunt. For the first time in a while
we were not frustrated short of madness. Thanks Doug.