Jippy's Story

I clearly heard four transmitters from the start. One, T7 at 0 degrees, One T2 at 55 degrees and one ending without a number at 72 degrees. Another one was at 10 degrees and thought to be near T7.

My shot was that they were linked by being somewhere along hwy 2.. I went up #2 and quickly found my error when nothing was up there. I went on up to Mt Wilson and took bearings on everything I heard from the observatory. I could hear T2, the same GQ micro T drifting across the band at 92 degrees, crossing nicely with the 55 degrees. I also heard two other transmitters one ending with a long dash, called "DUH" at 120 degrees and quite strong (30db in). A third which was weak had a low raspy sound (call "growler") at 150 degrees and after moving a few hundred feet it was at 141 degrees. Upon leaving the radio site on the north side I could hear T7 clearly at 340 degrees.

I new plan was to go after T7 and then swing back into the basin to get the others on the way home. I went down N3 to 14 and through a series of big mistakes ended up in Saugus with T7 clearly in Gorman. I ate lunch and headed up the 5.

I heard T8, but my mind was foggy and I just thought it was some one talking on freq. and went by it to find the talking T west of the 5. I then went into Gorman and got gas. and back up to the Ridge Route. Went up the hill and found a nice gravel road that was interesting in that two teams (RJN, ZHZ) came out of it and proceeded down the dirt road to the Ridge Route. What were they doing down there and why didn't they go on up Liebre? I went down there and found nothing. Oh well it's been a bad day.

Went up the hill and found the 3 transmitters there including T-7. T-3 and snake T. T-3 was in the big oak tree that was fully covered with ants and the previous finders had hid the signin so well that I spent 15 minutes looking for it. By the time I found it I was covered in ants. It is now getting dark. I still had to find T8, which could be clearly heard all over the top of the hill. and on back to the basin to find the 3 I heard from Mt. Wilson.

Back to the Ridge Route and went south listening for T8. Wasn't on the Ridge Route, but seemed to be on Posey Road. I didn't figure this out until I was well past the intersection and from the bearings it seemed to be more near the end at the 5 than the one on the ridge route. I decided to go around on 5 and go up Posey road. Now that I am paying attention, Clearly T8 is up there and all I have to do is find the road. Three passes up and down the 5 and I couldn't find the sand dump off ramp place. Gave up and headed for the basin.

I decided that T2 was near Azusa and the 210 so I took the 210 off the 5 and found nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing and continued on home. Got there ar 12:30, lots a miles, all equipment worked fine and my antenna is fully bent and broken. The 4Runner now needs a new rearend. Not a good thing, but bareable.