On Monday night, Melanie and I finally had found the
mobile notebook desk and stand we had been looking
for. With a little luck and a lot more shipping
money, we should be able to have everything we need in
order to use it on the next All Night hunt!
Sure enough, the laptop stand arrived at my office on
Friday afternoon, the HP docking station arrived about
20 minutes later. When I got home, the DC adaptor I
had won on Ebay had arrived at my home. Wow, that was
close. Off to Lowes I go to get everything I need to
make a very clean, dockable navigation station. Wow,
Lowes has actually restocked their oddball fastener
section, and they had everything I need!
Spent about 20 minutes modifying the new laptop stand
and desk, attached the modified HP docking station to
the desk and slapped the notebook into place...
Perfect fit! Now we install the whole thing into the
truck... "Wow, this is nice"! We go to bed at about
9:30PM and dream about how much fun we will have on
the All Nighter!
going off so early, isn't it Saturday? About 20
minutes later, I wake up to Melanie handing me a cup
of coffee and telling me to get up, we have a Thunt
today. After about 15 minutes of laying there with my
head in a daze contemplating whether or not I feel up
to a All nighter, I finally stand up... Oh how I love
the morning dizzy's! The coffee should do the trick
(it doesn't)
We manage to get out of the house by about 6:45AM,
stop at the drug store to pick up some stuff, go back
home to pick up the Thunter signs and snack we forgot.
7:00AM, we are on the road and heading to Kings
Hawian. We arrive at the restuarant at 8:08AM... Of
course no one is here yet, so we get our small table
and order breakfast. Jippy came and joined us a
little while later (what a nice guy, he picked up the
We head to the hill, we are the first to arrive. We
setup the notebook to Melanie's preference, everything
worked as planned.
Other hunters begin to arrive as it gets closer to
10:00AM. There is no T heard, and I see that Steve
and Deryl are on the phone... They must have an inside
track, let's go listen in! Melanie yells back at me
that she is barely able to hear something in "that
direction" "what direction I ask", she points a little
NNE. OK, cool! apparently, no one else has heard
anything yet, so I ask Melanie to enter the bearing
into the map with a distance of about 400 miles. She
tells me it points towards Lake Tahoe (that oughta be
fun on Memorial Day Weekend!)Back to Steve and Deryl I
go! They tell me they have a bearing of 48 and 2, and
knowing that Steve, Deryl, and I have an understanding
with each other when it comes to telling the truth, I
yell back to Melanie to try the 48 bearing... Oh boy,
Nevada, Utah! No other bearings are heard from the
We finally decide to leave the hill, we jump on the
110 N to the 91 E to the 605 N to the 10 E to Citrus,
Citrus North to the Starbucks Coffee, Citrus South
back to the 10 E to the 210 E to the 15 N. We head
North on the 15, and run into Don and Steve along the
way. "Wow, they must have taken the long way, we
stopped for coffee, and are still ahead of them"
(later we find out they went to Fontana to drop off a
car) Look at all of this traffic, Steve warned us
about it, so we got off at Glen Helen, and managed to
bypass most of it. And now we can hear not one, but
two T's! We found that getting off on Glen Helen
wasn't much of a time saver, as our DoppleGanger
Durango that we were behind before we got off the 15,
was 1 car length in front of us as we got back onto
the freeway.
Somehow, we managed to miss the summit exit (I think
this was the beginning of the end for me), so we
continued North on the 15. We saw that the bearing
was turning North, so we hopped on the 395, and
stopped on the side of the road to take a bearing...
How did Steve and Deryl get behind us? We continue
North on the 395 past the 14, suddenly, the signal
makes an abrupt turn West. I ask Melanie to get me
into them thar hills. She has me turn around and take
the 14 West to the 178. As we start heading up the
178, I notice that the signal seems to be behind us.
Next we see Steve and Deryl coming towards us from the
opposite direction. No way they could have found a T
up there that quickly, then turned around, is there?
We continue about 1 mile up, then turn around. Time
for lunch and a top off on the gas... We get gas at
the Mobile station at the base of the mountains just
North of the 14 where we had turned around previously.
Fill up and decide that we need to head up towards
that Indian Wells brewery... Doesn't open 'til 4:30PM,
but this is the road we need to take into the hills I
think. We start up the road, get to what looks like a
trail that goes off to the right. I start to go up
the trail, then realize I probably don't want to try
this one, and I begin to back down to the road we were
on. Next thing you know, I am starting to go off the
trail, and into the bushes! I was disoriented, and
had no idea what I was doing for a split second
(SCARY)I told Melanie that I know the T's are up this
road, but I want to go home, I don't feel so well. I
called Wayne and told him we were going home, and
thanked him for what was probably a very good hide. I
switched places with Melanie, let her drive to a
Mexican resturuant in Ridgecrest for late lunch/early
dinner, and then onto home. We arrived home about