It was a bright and
sunny 4th
Saturday, and all the T-hunters where gathering to spend the whole day
Well, I thought that's what we did on the 4th Saturday. Steve (KD6LAJ)
myself arrived early up at the start, and waited for the rest to show
up. 10:00am, no other hunters! How could we tell lies
about our
bearings, the last hunt, the excuses why we didn't do well on the last
finding out why MI drove right by T2 and didn't sign in. Oh well, we
would have
to do this hunt on our own.
We zerroed our
oddometer and
left the start, heading for Rt 2. As we traveled north the bearing kept
more east, finally settling to the east side of Mt. Wilson. Just before Angeles Forest Hwy, we got a signal that told us to go north on
AF hwy
instead of Rt.2. We stopped at Mill Creek Sumitt, went a bit of the way
up the
road to Mt. Gleason, and got a strong signal up towards Mt. Pacifico. We started up the road to Pacifico, and
found that
it was still closed! Wow! we are going to have to go all the way back
to Rt. 2?
Wait! before doing that, lets go a bit more up the road to Mt. Gleason. Now there is a good signal! about 330
that's not in these mountains, that's towards Tehachapi. We could hear
at lease
3 transmitters from here. At the overlook on hwy14, we got a more
bearing on the T's, so we went towards Lake Hughes. When we finally got to a spot that let us
see west
& north, we got a almost direct shot directly north! This is where
we got
the nice pictures of the wild flowers in bloom in the desert. California's wild Poppy perserve, had a lot of vistors,
and we
passed it without stopping, but we did get many more pictures on the
way to the
T's. We went north to the aquaduct, and at this location, we could hear
signals quite well. However, they where at bearings of 280, 330, 0
degrees. We
didn't know if they where up in Tehachapi or down in the desert. So we
toward the strongest one at 330. I want to note, the desert is quite
nice this
time of year, especially at the altitude we where at, a lot of flowers
greenery. After going on a dirt road (trail) and getting down into a
canyon, we found a way up onto a ridge where we found our first T. I
thought we
where the only ones out hunting, but others had found the T before us!
results). From here we couldn't hear the T that was at 280 degrees, and
we had
traveled north an west, so we thought should be able to hear it from
this spot.
So we left from the T spot and drove south. Road started out nice, but
several gates, fences, and one deep washout, we where going cross
towards a road we could see in the distance. This road then crossed the
aquaduct so we followed it northeast, for about 4 miles. Then just like
the T! down two more dips and a sign saying the road was closed!
However, the T
was here somewhere. It's above us, how to get there? How did Jippy get
there? (see picture). After walking up the road, we found a motorcycle
trail up
the side of the embankment, and got to the T. Again, other hunters got
to the T
first. We signed in and set our sights on the third T. This T could be
almost everywhere, not strong but it could be heard. We had to go back
about 3
miles to find a way off the road we where on, unless I was to follow
motorcycle trail. We finally got to the main road that follows the
and proceeded towards the 3rd T. Well we followed the signal all the
way to the
base of the Tehachapi
mountains, and ran
out of
road. It must be on the otherside of the mountains! So back down to the
aquaduct again and back to the main highway to Tehachapi. As we got to
the top,
the signal went balistic! 40+db of attenuation, we must be there. But
no, we
wheren't even close. The bearing went up Sand Canyon behind the Monolith rock quarry factory. On
the way
over, Jippy called me on the radio, and indicated that Sand canyon was
a good
place to be. The problem was Sand Canyon goes forever back into the hills. I remember
years ago when a T or T's where hid way up at the last possible road
into the
mountains that you could go on until lake Isabella! I really didn't want to go that far back,
and it was
getting late. Steve said he found a road on the map, that might be a
possibility. So after several wrong turns we finally got onto a road
that took
us to our third T. We met Jippy there, and he dismantled the T, told us
where two more T's. We told him that we where tired and heading back to
for dinner, let someone else find the T's, we didn't want the win
Overall we got snokered several times, the trip was colorful, the
weather was
perfect, and the hunt was a classic WB6JPI type hide. Thanks Bob, for
on this hide, too bad more didn't take you up on it.