August 27th 2005
Mini All Day

Hiders: Scott N6MI and Tom K6VCR

Scott and Tom setup camp at the end of a small dirt road off Blue Ridge Rd. near a mountain radio site in Tulare County east of the city of Visilia. DM06 0G. Near 36.31899°  -118.85750°.  Bearing from the start point should have been 351°. Air miles from start point is 175.72 Miles.
The T was an 11 element  beam fed by a 100 Watt K6VCR T2 Box and amp.


TEAM              MILES     PLACE
N6JF / KG6TES     237.50    First and  Winners
KC6TNJ / WA6TQQ   255.90    Second
WB6JPI            273.00    Third
N6AIN             336.05    Fourth
N6ZHZ / K6JCH     398.30    Fith
K6SNE / KD6LAJ    DNF Broken Antenna

During the hunt much wild life was seen, including lots of cows, 1 BIG black bear, a deer and fon, and 3 gray fox, not including the 2 hiders.

Mike's story