August 23rd 2003
Mini All Day T-Hunt
The Hiders: Scott N6MI Wayne KB6NYW
On August 23, 2003, Wayne Hoover (KB6NYW) and J. Scott Bovitz (N6MI) put on the all day transmitter hunt.
The ending point was Bald Mountain lookout, near Shaver Lake, California.
Air miles from Palos Verdes start point: 235.61 mi
Ground miles from Palos Verdes: 239.52 (includes driving elevated slopes)
Elevation Gain: 6,638.50 ft above P.V.
Average Grade: 12 degrees
Latitude: N 37 deg 6.230'
Longitude: W 119 deg 12.342'
Elevation: 7,816.79 ft
On Friday night, KC6TNJ assisted with a radio check. At that time, the hiders ran 400 watts.
The signal at Palos Verdes on Friday night was outstanding. The hiders clearly heard KC6TNJ,
who ran 35 watts to a vertical antenna at the Palos Verdes starting point. (Thanks, TNJ.)
The bearing on Friday night was 170 degrees true.
On Saturday, the hidden transmitter ran 180 watts from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM, then ran 25
watts until Sunday morning. The hiders used an 11 element yagi, up 20 feet, with low loss coax,
aimed at 170 degrees true (directly back to the starting point).
The winning WA6RJN team arrived just after dark, on foot, from the east. They spent the night
in KB6NYW's truck and left on foot in the morning. This team also found the unofficial transmitter
on 147.585 MHz on Frazier Mountain lookout on Sunday afternoon.
The KE6VCR team arrived about 12:15 AM, with higher mileage.
WB6JPI came within 1,000 feet and turned around. The granite and dirt road was VERY hard to
navigate at night. The road reminded N6MI of the Shuteye Peak road. But, the Bald Mountain
lookout was visited by non-hunters all weekend long -- including some in two wheel drive vehicles.
(KB6NYW drove to the top in a two wheel drive vehicle.)
Many other teams came within a few miles, but did not finish.
Jippy's Story
Deryl and Steve's Story
below is a link to Mike K6SNE's Power Point presentation of he and N6IDF's
Trip on the hunt. If you don't have Power Point, don't bother trying it. If you have a dial up connection
it may take a while to download it.
Mike and Davids journey
Anyon else have a story?