July 27th 2019
All Night
Transmitter Hunt

Hiders: Paul WB6HPW Martin WB6YMI and Peter

The N6MI transmitter was hidden in Box Springs Canyon Park, at a spot with an excellent view towards the starting point and (I had expected, incorrectly) an excellent shot towards the other T, which was hidden in the same general area as the February T and used similar equipment.  Those who headed in the direction where they heard the February T did find the signal. If I ever use that area again the starting point will be Cathedral City.

Call           Time            Mile    Comet 
KF6GQ/KD6LAJ   12:24          63.1     Too hot!
N6AIN          13:27          54.8
N6MI           15:30          94.0
WA6RJN/WB6MGT  16:00          84.5

Because N6AIN had the lowest mileage and didn’t complain about the heat, he is declared the winner. No one found the other transmitter (which was on until the last hunter headed home) or the “Helper T” (N6MI T22, which was on from about 18:00 to 20:00.)  There was less issue with snow this time.