May 25th 2019
Meathead All Day
Transmitter Hunt

Hiders: Don KF6GQ and Steve KD6LAJ
Location: Crestline, Running Springs area.

Five T's were placed essentially along hwy 18 that runs along the front side of the San Bernardino                   
mountains. One Snake T was placed on the long climb up hwy 18 at the second Waterman Canyon                    
access road off of hwy 18. The main T heard very easily at the start was running 1 watt to a wire                    
Dipole, strung in a small tree near the Glider port west of hwy 138/18.                   
Then east of there very near Strawberry Peak (RF site), we hid two transmitters, One IDing as T8                   
running 50mw., a second one about 36 feet away, was a second Rattle Snake T, running 5 mw.
This was the one to trick everyone to think it was the one they already found, and not worry about it.
It turns out (not planned) that you only could hear this Snake T at this location, so as to not give away
that there was actually two Snake T's out. It actually worked for all hunters,except WA6RJN's team
who guessed that this was actually a second snake T. WA6CYY was helped a bit by myself who
was at the location ready to pick up the T's and getting cold!
Now KD6LAJ hid the last 5th T at a church campground, that Steve and his wife where chaperoning
for a group of young adults. He had placed a sign at the entrance that welcomed all T hunters to
enter without fear of instant annihilation. This was T2 LAJ running 2 watts to a ELK log beam.
Thanks for all the hunters that came out for what turned out to be a great sunny cloudless day in
the mountains!
Team	         Rattle Snake 1     T7 Hang Glider    T8 Strawberry    Rattle Snake 2	   T2 LAJ
N6AIN            10:56   93.6       11:45  101.8      13:32  120.7     DNF                 14:28 132.8 
WA6RJN/KG6KZF	 14:15   69.1 	    15:00  76.5       16:20  86.7      14:49  86.8         DNF
WA6CYY           12:15   54.0       14:09  88.3       17:33 118.2      17:59  120.1        15:34  97.2 
WB6HPW	         15:11    - - -     14:12   - - -     DNF              DNF                 DNF

  When Ron (WA6CYY) found the second Snake T, I had encouraged him to stick around and look harder                   
for the missing (5th) T. He then realized the only T he could hear beside T2 LAJ, was a Snake T,                    
so he sniffed it out. We will give him half a find, because WA6RJN and KG6KZF were able to                    
figure out the subterfuge on their own!   

It looks like at this time that WA6CYY is the winner. Doug and his crew had excellent mileage to four T's
 (and figured out the trick), but for some reason didn't continue to the last T.

Don & Steve Voices of the hidden T's.