January 25th 2020
All Day Transmitter Hunt

Hiders: Dennis K6DJI, Steve KD6LAJ,  Don KF6GQ

1st. 2020 All Day Hunt

The hunt was held in the Victorville, Ca. area.
There where three teams that ventured forth. N6AIN Deryl, WA6RJN Doug, and the team of N6MI and AF6O Scott & Jim. I have a friend Dennis K6DJI who lives out in Victorville, so I asked to set up the main T in his front yard. This T was running 6 watts to a four element beam, pointed towards Mt. Badly. The T was able to be copied (apparently not very strong) at the Pathfinder start point.
N6AIN was the first to check into any T and it was T1 at 12:12pm. Deryl was able to check into 4 T's (there were 5 T's hidden), with a total of 104 miles. It's too bad Deryl didn't go on to find the last T, because his mileage up to that point was the best of all the hunters.
   T1  ---  34.542, -117.324
   T2  ---  34.560, -117.267
   T7  ---  34.506, -117.282
   T9  ---  34.566, -117.233
   T12 ---  34.560, -117.348 

N6AIN found T1 at 12:12 with 74.2 miles, T2(LAJ) at 13:30 with 88.4 miles, T9 at 14:35 with 91.8 miles, then T7 at 15:45 with 104.2 miles, if he drove directly to T12 he would of added about 6 miles to a total of about 110 miles this would of been about 20 miles less than either of the other hunters.

N6MI and AF6O found T2(LAJ) at 12:35 with 70 miles, T7 at 15:12 with 111.0 miles, T9 at 16:00 with 122.0 miles, T12 at 17:00 with 133 miles, and lastly T1 at 17:30 with 147 miles.

WA6RJN found T1 at 13:17 with 83.3 miles, T7 at 14:39 with 95.8 miles ( he hiked about .6 miles across three railroad right of ways, a sand wash, and up a steep hill to save about 7 miles driving around the Mojave River narrows park), T2(LAJ) at 15:15 with 104.1 miles, T12 at 16:30 with 109 miles, and then T9 at 17:41 with 133.2 miles.

Now as a side note, the N6MI team requested a rule change, to give them a mileage reduction of exactly 13.9 miles, because their team was the only one to recognize that T1 was actually not a T, but a repeater. They placed a sign-in sheet on the actual Voice T1 stating that this was a "repeater T", because of this I had intended to offer them the win, because only they had  recognized the repeater operation. However since they had actually placed the Repeater sign on the actual T stating that it was in fact a repeater, (I think any Extra Class ham really should know the difference) I found that in all fairness to award the hunt winner to be WA6RJN with a total mileage of 133.2!

Another side note: How come no remarks of the signs near T12 warning of unexploded devices in the ground in the area! As a note I drove my own car over several of the trails close by to check on the accuracy of the signs, and I had not one device explode under my vehicle! So I deemed the area to be safe.

Thanks for coming out, all the hiders appreciate the effort.


Scott's Pictures