We were on the east side of Santiago Peak, south of Corona, west of the 15,
off Knabe Street. There is a new housing area going up west of Knabe just north of Hunt Rd.
We drove all the way to the end of the dirt road with no name yet.
There is a little notch in the hills that you can see the antennas on
Santiago peak. I pointed my 4-el. beam at them. The T was feeding a 100-watt amp.
Didn't fool the 2 hunters much. Mike K6SNE was there around 7:50 PM
and Don KF6GQ and Steve KD6LAJ were there by 8:29 PM.
TEAM Time Mileage K6SNE 7:55 pm 31.7 Winner KF6GQ 8:30 PM 39.1 These were the original mileages I was given. If anyone has a complaint, email me. Thanks for hunting!
73, Deryl N6AIN